Preventive Dentistry in Philadelphia, PA

Preventive dentistry is the best way to avoid painful, expensive dental procedures as it stresses at-home dental care that will help prevent decay or disease. Preventive, or at-home, dental care is important because it results in healthy teeth and gums throughout one’s life.

Both natural teeth and teeth with restorations survive best in an oral environment that is clean and where the intake of harmful foods is controlled. Our program is designed to help prevent new cavities, preserve teeth that have been restored, and manage periodontal disease. At the initial visit, oral hygiene instructions are reviewed and are reinforced at subsequent recall visits. The following are helpful recommendations:
  • Brush your teeth twice a day in a circular motion with a soft-bristled toothbrush aimed at the gum.
  • Floss every night in an up-and-down motion while keeping the floss in a U-shape and against the tooth surface.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Avoid sticky sugary foods.
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Use antiseptic and fluoride rinses as directed.
  • Sealants placed on young permanent teeth.
Healthy smiles begin at infancy! Parents should begin brushing and flossing their children’s teeth when the first tooth emerges. When the child is old enough, parents should teach their children to brush and floss. Setting a high standard of oral hygiene early on in life will help your child develop healthy oral hygiene habits for life! 

Lastly, visiting your dentist every six months will also help prevent serious dental issues such as cavities or periodontal disease. Dental checkups and oral cancer screenings can catch things you may have missed during your at-home care routine. Parents should make appointments for their children to first see the dentist after their first tooth grows in to establish good at-home dental care and children should also see the dentist every six months. Checkups and cleanings cannot be substituted with at-home care, but together, the two will help ensure that your smile will stay healthy and will last a lifetime!

If you are looking for a highly trained dentist in South Philadelphia, you have come to the right place. At our practice, you will receive the highest quality dental treatment. Our dental office uses the latest state-of-the-art equipment and cutting edge technology and we uphold the strictest sterilization techniques. We know that many people may feel anxious about coming to the dentist, so it is our goal to make your visit with us as pain free and anxiety free as possible. Dr. Tabas prides himself on the wonderful relationships he has with his patients. He makes sure that he takes the time to answer all questions and to fully explain all treatment options

Call (215) 271-7776 to schedule your appointment or fill out the online form below!

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Preventive Dentistry

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