Bleeding Gums Treatment Options and Common Causes

Dr. Tabas • Sep 18, 2019

Have you noticed your gums bleeding when you brush, floss, or even eat? Learn the common causes along with your options for bleeding gums treatment.

You're brushing your teeth the same as you do every night. The difference is tonight when you spit your toothpaste in your sink, it’s tinged with pink. That can’t be a good sign.

There are several reasons why your gums might be bleeding.

You could have a simple vitamin deficiency or you may have gingivitis. Whatever the reason, rest assured there is a bleeding gums treatment out there that can solve the problem.

Still feeling a little nervous about it? Here are a few reasons why your gums are bleeding and how you or your dentist can stop the problem.

1. Causes of Bleeding Gums

As we said above, there are many reasons why you may be experiencing swollen, bleeding gums.

The most common ones are gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis, and vitamin deficiencies. 


When you allow plaque to stay on your gum line for too long it hardens and turns into tartar. This tartar will cause your gums to bleed and if it's not dealt with it can turn into gingivitis. 

Most of the time gingivitis is accompanied by soreness and puffiness around your gums. You can avoid the issue by brushing and flossing each day to keep plaque buildup under control. 


If gingivitis is left alone for too long your gums, supportive tissues, and jawbone can all get infected. This infection is known as periodontitis. 

Periodontitis can cause your gums to bleed and your teeth to loosen and fall out. Similarly to gingivitis, you can stop it from happening by taking proper care of your teeth in the first place.  

Vitamin Deficiencies

If your diet is lacking in vitamins C and K, it can cause your gums to bleed. So, if you know you take proper care of your teeth, go to your regular doctor. They can test you to see if you have a vitamin C or K deficiency and recommend a diet that will help you fix the issue. 

Other Reasons Your Gums are Bleeding 

The three conditions above are the most common reasons your gums might be bleeding. This doesn't mean that they are the only reasons. 

If you wear dentures that will sometimes result in bleeding gums. This usually means that your dentures are too tight. A quick trip to the dentist can remedy this problem. 

When you're pregnant, you'll experience hormonal changes that can cause your gums to be more sensitive and bleed. That's why it's so important to prioritize dental checkups when you're expecting. 

Lastly, if you're on any type of blood thinners, they can increase your risk for bleeding gums as well. 

2. What Can You Do About Bleeding Gums 

There are a few home remedies that you can try before you see a dentist about your bleeding gums. Sometimes it's only a matter of changing up your toothbrush to one with softer bristles or using mouthwash. 


Antibacterial mouthwash can kill the bacteria that are causing inflammation in your gums and stop them from bleeding. 

Mouth wash is also a good remedy to stop gingivitis so if you don't have any on hand it could be worth it to go pick some up.  

Warm Salt Rinse

If you don't have mouthwash around, then make your own rinse. Add about half a teaspoon of salt to an 8-ounce glass of water and swish it around in your mouth. 

This will kill the bacteria and help your gums heal faster. Do this a few times each day or more if your dentist recommends it. 

Change Your Toothbrush  

If you're only experiencing bleeding gums when brushing then changing up your toothbrush may fix the problem. If you have sensitive gums, then the bristles on your current brush may be a bit too firm for them. 

It could also be because the bristles on the brush you're using now are too frayed. So, head to the store and pick up a new brush. 

Floss Gently

Have you started up a new flossing routine recently? This could be your problem but that doesn't mean you should stop flossing. 

Keep up with the new routine. After a few days, your gums will get used to the new stimulation and stop bleeding.
3. What Can Your Dentist Do?

If you're experiencing bleeding gums without brushing then the fixes above may not be able to help you. You'll need to see a dentist to either get a deep cleaning or laser dentistry.   
Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning is also known as scaling and root planing.

Your dentist will use a special tool to remove any plaque and tartar that's formed on your gum line. They can also go a little deeper than that and remove spots on your roots that have been exposed because of gum recession. 

Doing this will limit the places where bacteria can build up and hide. As you can see, this process is a little more thorough than normal teeth cleaning but it's not as extreme as surgery. 

Laser Dentistry 

If you have periodontitis then your dentist may have to use laser dentistry to cut away the infected tissue before they can perform the deep cleaning. 

This procedure is less invasive than other forms of surgery, it's fast, and you will experience little pain after it's all said and done.  

Your Guide to Bleeding Gums Treatment and Causes 

It can be a little daunting to brush your teeth and spit blood back into the sink.

You'll need to look into bleeding gums treatment or the problem can turn into something more serious over time. Use this guide to take care of your smile. 

Does your bleeding gums have you worried? Let us ease your concerns. Contact us to set up a dental appointment today. 
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